International Day Of National Parks


Every August 24th according to the World Ecological Calendar we celebrate the International Day of National Parks. In this day we commemorate the importance that the conservation of all species   have in nature. The diversity, of the flora and fauna of our territories, requires a special care from all the people around the world. National Parks on every continent and within every environment are responsible for the preservation of land, animals, and habitats.  This   day pretends to make people reflect on  how vital and necessary are national parks in the world, but at the same time to make people respect and value these places, keeping in mind that if they are in some kind of danger the planet  will have desvastating consequences for all the living things. For these reasons, taking care of the nature is essencial for our life and survival.


A National Park is into a category of a protected area that has a determined legal status that allows to protect and conserve its biodiversity. These places are most often formed when the government identifies an area of land rich in national history, rich in biodiversity, and environmentally important. The requirements that governments demand to park rangers or people in charge of connservation of natural environments to make a park or a forest to be consindered as Natural Parks are the following:

a.  The place needs to have a wide space of land and bodies of water.

b.  It needs to have a minimun or no intervention from people.

c.     The status of the areas that belong to the park or forests should be in  excellent conservation conditions.  

Positive Aspects Of National Parks

 Studies show that spending time in nature is good for our physical and mental health. Nature encourages physical activity, recreation and tranquility. National parks provide people with natural spaces to visit and connect with nature. They contain forested areas that not only protect water sources, but also help stabilize the surrounding land. This can save lives and infrastructure by preventing landslides, avalanches and erosion. These areas also reduce floods by keeping natural river basins intact and preserving wetlands. These places also help to the economy of small rural communities or indigenous people who used to or continue to live in these areas through the visits of different people from the country or tourists from other places.


National Parks in Ecuador

Ecuador is the second place in Latin America with a big territory which focuses on the protection and conservation of its ecosystems. A twenty percent of our territory is protected. Ecuador has nearly thirty national parks with a variety of ecosystems that people can visit and explore with the guidance of park rangers. The most visited National Parks in Ecuador are: Cajas National Park, Cayambe Coca National Park, Cotopaxi National Park, Machalilla National Park, Podocarpus National Park, The Galapagos Islands, Yasuni National Park, Sangay National Park, etc. All of these amazing places offer us an unique experience and the opportunity to learn the importance of nature.

Lcda. Narcisa Auria
Docente Steiner.

